Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Amy of 100 days

I worked for OSgrid, Inc. for exactly 100 days.  I started the day I landed on the grid.  Well, that's not true.  I started on day 3.  So, I lasted 97 days.  I was a greeter, a writer, and a member of the Board of Directors.  I designed.  I planned.  I worked with volunteers.   I begged for donations.  It was the best job I ever had.

I resigned yesterday for personal reasons.  I remain committed to OSgrid, its administrators and to OpenSim.  I believe that Hiro Protagonist, who was my boss and mentor, has the right vision for OSgrid.  I respect and have deep affection for Dan Banner and Key Gruin, the other members of the team.  I am grateful for Nebadon's help, humor and knowledge.

I want to thank my friends, the people who helped me in my work, Walter, Trex, Toy, Jalen, Boxster, Ashton, Allen, Reba, Fearghus, and Dirk. I also than Loru, Cam and Ada for jumping in with incredibly generous donations when we had to redo all the Welcome Station Avatars.   I will miss talking over problems with my friend and confidant Allen.  I can't remember the name of the man who gave me a little mesh ghost avatar for the OSgrid Welcome station.  I remember our conversation, but not his name.  That's the trouble with writing this.  There have been so many kind people, I received so much help that I can't remember all the names.  I will miss working with the people of OSgrid most of all.

I apologize for the things I left unfinished and for the times when I didn't give it complete effort.

I am not leaving OSgrid.  I won't be around much for a few weeks.  I will be hanging out on other grids and getting used to being unemployed.   It's really, really boring.   I am trying to follow the advice I give newcomers.  I am trying to slow down.  I am trying to find a new way to be useful.  I am learning to make clothes.  I am trying to make a new place for myself.

If you need to reach me, you can reach me on G+ as Amy Storm or on LFgrid, also as Amy Storm and on In Worldz as Amelia Graves.

1 comment:

  1. Here's hoping RL concerns sort themselves out quickly! Don't be a stranger, Amy. :)
